Friday, December 23, 2011

Pretty Pictures

Having a baby has introduced me to importance of good photography.
Blogging has helped me realize that it is a talent I can learn (and that's handy considering how much good photography costs).
I want a dSLR but know that I can't necessarily commit to learning the art right now.  B comprimised and bought me a quality point and shoot (Fuji Finepix S3280).  We figure if I can learn photography with it, then we'll invest in a dSLR.

Fast forward a few weeks.....I have played around with the camera, but I am still shooting in manual.
I haven't been able to find anything comprehensive that isn't time consuming and/or expensive.

Well, today I stumbled upon 31 Days to a Better Photo by Life with my 3 Barbarians.  It seems feasible!
I'm going to attempt these lessons in hopes that I'll have some skills in time for Lauryn's 1st birthday party.

I'm going to stick with a professional for her birthday pictures. :-)
Wish me luck!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Baby B

I've named him/her Bailey. We knew this baby's name would begin with a "B," and Bailey is the only gender neutral name I came across.
You may recall me saying that my symptoms had been minimal. I never truly felt pregnant. And while I tried to reason it with being so early, it was actually a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy. My first true warning was Friday night. Intense labor pains...for hours. But, it passed.  Lots of pressure all day Saturday. Bright red bleeding Sunday.
Ectopic pregnancy in my right fallopian tube.
Emergency surgery.
Almost a rupture.
I lost my tube.
I can bear the physical pain. I hate the way the painkillers make me feel anyway. But the's bad.
I grieve for Bailey. The ectopic is hard. It's not his fault he was in the wrong place.
I grieve for my tube. There's an 85-90% chance that I'll go on to have another successful pregnancy. But, it's still hard to lose a part of my womanhood.
Yet, I still have so much to be grateful for....
I have a healthy, beautiful baby girl. It was caught early. I had an excellent doctor and staff treat me with respect and care. My prognosis is good-full recovery, more babies.
Though I'm not grieving alone, it's not common knowledge either. I don't think I could handle the questions, explanations, pity right now. Those close to me have wrapped me so tight in love.  I'm blessed.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

I love that Thanksgiving is a time for reflection and fellowship. It's important to stop and just be grateful. And not just for the obvious things. I mean, how could I not be thankful for this face? Yes, I'm grateful for my committed husband, supportive family, wonderful friends, sound mind, good health. But daily, I give thanks for the little things... making a stubborn light, a restful sleep (which can be few and far between), a word of sweetness and encouragement from my granny (whom I want to be when I grow up), leaving work in time to grab a slush during Sonic's happy hour, managing to return ALL of my parent's calls at work, ANYTHINGANYTHING that contributed to a smile on my face or peace in my heart. Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and small blessings daily!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Weight Issues

I've always been thin.  I mostly attribute it to genes.  My mom was thin well into her 30's and my dad is still tall and lanky.
You've read that I gained 50 pounds while carrying Lauryn.  Needless to say, I freaked out.  It's not as if I was eating poorly or not exercising.  Though I was miserable carrying it, my biggest concern was losing it. 
Well, 3 months post partum I was back to my pre pregnancy weight.  My body didn't look the same (and, I am okay with that), but I was able to fit into my clothes (one of the things I missed most during pregnancy).
However, as the months progressed, the weight continued to drop
and drop
and drop.
I began to worry.  It was noticeable.  My clothes became baggy and people began to make comments.  I scheduled a visit with my primary care physician who did bloodwork.  My thyroid was "borderline" (something I was made aware of in college), but nothing of concern.
The weight continued to drop
and drop
and drop.
I didn't like the way I looked.  Everyone tried to reassure me that it was because of the breastfeeding, but I wasn't so sure.  The weight loss had been gradual, then all of sudden dramatic.  I continued to monitor it for a couple of months, but eventually wanted a second opinion.
I visited my OB this time.  I immediately felt better because she was also concerned.  Everyone else dismissed me with comments like, "that's a good problem to have."  She took me seriously.  My charts showed that I'd lost 18% of my body weight since August.  18%!  She ordered extensive bloodwork and told me that a "borderline" thyroid was not okay being that I've recently given birth.
My results are back.  I'm okay.  Again, nothing of concern.
I feel more comfortable with these results.  I also think I feel better now that I am weaning and pregnant.  Weight gain is emminent.  Hopefully, I won't end up on the other end of the spectrum (gaining too much) again.